I commend you for showing up and serving your audience. It is hard work and a major time investment. But I have a more effective way that’s going to help you reclaim that time back.
The Photo Vault is designed for small businesses and personal brands who are serious about showing up and connecting with their target audience on a regular basis. When you join The Photo Vault, you can get a whole month's worth of social media images in ONE quick photo session so you can be fully present with your family and friends without having to worry about taking selfies all the time!
Your time is extremely valuable, so we will collaborate together at the beginning of each month to discuss the message that you want to tell your audience. During your session, we maximize our time together and capture the right photographs to tell your story and message.
After your session, you will receive an online gallery with your images that you are able to directly download from. You will also receive a Canva template with your graphics designed for the next month. You will be able to add, remove, or change elements within the templates. Then simply download from and schedule your graphics and images!
This system will give you your time back and communicate your marketing message effectively!